Duties of the Pool Board are as follows
- Manage and support other board members with their duties
- Communication with membership (website, email, social media, bulletin board)
- Lead membership meetings
- Set budget goals and monitor spending
- Storage of documents
Pre-Season (Jan-Apr):
- Coordinate Spring “Work Day”
- Recruit and organize maintenance team (training, schedule)
- Membership sign-up
Open Season (May-Oct):
- Lead membership meetings
- Troubleshoot issues
End of Season (Nov-Jan):
- Work with maintenance to wrap up facility for winter
- Season review
Vice President
- Manage the pool keys and work with coordinators – keep tabs on how many keys are released
- Assist President in completing their duties and fill in when needed
- Parliamentarian of the ByLaws and make sure they are being followed
- Membership Coordination: day of opening and post opening
Membership Management
Pre-Season (Jan-Apr):
- Check mailbox for returned keys
- Maintain a record of returned keys in membership roster
- Organize keys by season
Early Season (1-2 weeks prior to opening day):
- Establish a roster of returning members as registrations are completed online
- Prepare liability form and new season key assignment for all memberships completed online.
- Have new keys made prior to opening day if required (recommend at least ~80 keys per season)
Opening day:
- Work registration table – every member MUST have:
1. Completed registration on file (either online or paper form)
2. Paid the membership fee
3. Returned last season’s key
4. Signed liability form
5. Clean-up duty established (work day, cleaning week, paid fee in lieu of former options)
All Season (May-Oct):
- Determine # of new memberships available and contact people on the waitlist (in order of registration)
- Manage keys for membership including collecting Lost Key Fee and distributing new keys as needed
- Maintain up to date membership roster
- Maintain Popsicles in freezer and buy new supply as needed (reimbursable)
End of Season (Nov-Jan):
- Collect keys once pool closes for the season and update roster as received
- Email members a key receipt
- The Secretary is mainly responsible for taking notes at all Board and general meetings, and posting general meeting minutes in the designated sites (usually the shared Google Drive and the website).
- This is a relatively less time-intensive commitment than other Board positions, except for during Registration, key distribution, and Clean Up Day, when the Secretary assists the Vice-President in updating the member roster, obtaining release forms, and passing out keys.
- The Secretary also serves as the Pool Association’s “parliamentarian” – keeping track of, and referring to, the extant By-Laws and drafting any changes that might be proposed for voting by the Members.
- Attend all Board meetings and take notes.
- Share meeting minutes in a timely fashion.
- Assist President and Vice-President in any record-keeping or bureaucratic tasks they may have.
- Assist VP in run-up to Clean Up Day, preparing releases for signature, updating member roster, and determining how many, if any, memberships are open to new members.
- Attend Clean Up Day and assist VP in key distribution.
- Read and become familiar with By-Laws; be responsible for finding relevant language in extant By-Laws to settle any questions or disputes; draft language for changes to By-Laws if necessary.
- Maintain Pool Clean Up calendar
- Send reminders for weekly clean up families
- Maintain clean up checklist at pool site
- Buy cleaning and necessary supplies for restrooms, etc.
- Help with Membership Coordination